Name: Gibby Hall
Job Title/Company: Realtor, Howard Hanna Real Estate Services
City: Coastal Virginia
How did you first hear about The River Ellis Foundation?
When River Ellis passed, I was beyond devastated for my friends. It is impossible to make sense of such a tragedy. Like other friends and family, I wanted to help somehow but had no idea how I could. As the Ellis’ navigated their new reality, I was absolutely overcome and awed by Rachel’s ability and willingness to share their experience, all of it, in the hope that it may someday help someone else dealing with this unbearable grief. When I heard that Doug and Rachel would be starting a foundation in River’s name, I knew immediately that they would somehow find a way to create something positive from their terrible loss.
Why did you decide to donate?
When the River Ellis Foundation was launched, I knew that the power of Rachel and Doug’s love for River was going to drive the foundation to make a positive impact immediately. After attending the launch event and witnessing Doug and Rachel’s dedication to this unexpected, but beautiful legacy for their daughter, I knew I wanted to support. The mission to help those who might not have access to more conventional avenues of charity also resonated deeply with me. There are so many in our communities in need of compassion and a little help. I donate to honor River and in hopes to be a small part of one of the sunrises her legacy creates.
What do you hope The River Ellis Foundation accomplishes in the near future?
As a new foundation, raising awareness for the organization and its mission is critical in the first years. I hope that the powerful momentum that has already been created continues so that more and more people in our community can receive a sunrise. I hope that that supporters continue to follow the progress of the Foundation’s and the stories of those impacted. Continuing toe share those stories and the mission to help
What would you tell someone who is thinking about donating?
There are countless, worthy organizations that are all vying for our donation dollars. I choose the River Ellis Foundation because I want to help make in impact locally in my community for those in need. Often, I watch/read the local news and see stories of families in my own backyard who need help and don’t know where to turn. As I read the testimonials from recipients of the River Ellis Foundation grants, I am glad to be able to contribute in any way to helping my neighbors find a way through their darkness. If you are fortunate enough to be in a position to help your community, I believe we owe it to each other to help when we can.
What other organizations/causes do you support?
The Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and Project S.U.R.E.757 ( Single Use Reduction Effort to eliminate single use plastics)
What do you wish other people knew about The River Ellis Foundation?
You can be involved! Donations, no matter the size are always welcome. Also, if you know someone who you think needs a sunrise, go to their website. They are accepting nominations for new recipients!